My journal

Information about new movies, updates and other stuff

Welcome to the new NorwegianBears cave

When my account on Pornhub was suspended and my material there was removed, I had to begin the search for a new "home" for "NorwegianBear

I wanted a site where I easily could share my pictures and porn movies, and also be able to post information about my self and have some kind of page where I could post news and updated. After been looking around on different sites and read some forums, I came started to think that establishing my own site could be an idea. Finally the decision was made, and in November 2021 the domain was registered.

The pages have been under construction for a while, where most of the time has been used to figure out how I wanted the to structure of the site, and how I wanted my material to be presented for a viewer. Next I had to figure out the templates I wanted. In January 2022 the structure of the site and the templates where finally the way I want them.

There is still some work and tweaking remaining of the photo gallery and movie pages, and I need to finalise the "About" page. I will do some further experiments with the gallery and movie page before they are totally ready, and upload some movies for testing.

The next plan is to start uploading movies. I will upload the earliest movies that were filmed and uploaded to the internet from 2013 to 2018 first, then start to upload the newer movies.

Though there is some remaining work, I hope you will enjoy my new cave


Click the pictures to watch the large version

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