First movies are on-line and ready to view
After been working for the template for the movies page and doing some experiment on how to embed the movies on a page, the movie page is ready to be tested
The movie pages has been divided into sections, at the moment named "The first movies" and "The newest movies". To test how the movies where presented two movies have been uploaded:
This movie was filmed in May 2013 and originally uploaded to "XTube". Later, in 2016, it was reedited and uploaded to Pornhub.
The movie was just supposed be an experiment as I was curious on how people would react to watch a movie of me sucking someone. The movie was filmed with my cell phone, has poor "quality", and we did not consider the format while filming. However, I did get very much positive feedback, and decided that I wanted to continue making amateur porn movies more than just some movies of me wanking.
It has been uploaded to test the "The first movies 2013-2018" section of the movies page.
The movie was filmed in July 2021 as the first movie of the "Bad puppy" series. Though I already have done one movie where I suck a mate while wearing a pup hood, and the pup hood has been used in other movies to hide the guy I film with, this is the first movie with real puppy play. It has been posted to test out the "The newest movies" portion of the movies page. Most likely the section will be renamed "New features", and only show the 3-4 newest movies.
Hope you will enjoy the movies, and hopefully I will have more movies uploaded soon.
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