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Information about new movies, updates and other stuff is up to date

70 movies uploaded and ready to watch

I have finally finished uploading the movies that was made and was available before my account was shut down. It has taken some time to get all the content back, and I am now ready to complete the "new" movies that was never uploaded.

On the movies page you will find the newest movies under the "Newest features" section. This section will show the 3 newest movies that have been uploaded. The other movies are placed under the year they were made.


My first 14 movies were made and uploaded from 2013 to 2018.


In 2019 I started making movies in the "Grindr dates" series. The first two hookups that was filmed were uploaded in the same movie called "Grindr dates 1 and 2", while the next hookups where made as separate movies. I also made one movie with solo play this year.


The most "productive" year, with 29 movies made;

24 grindr dates

2 hookups with Ennio

1 movie where I suck a guy while he shows a female friend on FaceTime

1 solo movie

1 "secret movie" that is available for a few friends only.


18 movies was filmed in 2021. 4 of these are not ready to be uploaded yet, but now as the site is up to date with the first 70 movies that already were available, next priority now is to finish the last ones.

Screenshots from some of the 70 movies that have been uploaded to - The gallery might need some time to load, click for large version.

I have also filmed some material that has not been placed on the screen, either because they were not long enough to make a movie or simply because the material was not found good enough. I plan on putting together a compilation where I use all unused material.

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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Kongemannenn · 3 years ago
    Wooof.....altså....må jo si at nå er det bare en "Go-to" side for kos 😅🤤

    Enig i at du har uppa gamet med redigeringen...kvalitet....🤤

    Nysgjerrig på denne hemmelige filmen du nevner....hahaha
    • This commment is unpublished.
      NorwegianBear · 3 years ago
      @Kongemannenn Tusen takk for tilbakemelding. Nå som jeg har fått lastet opp de første filmene, skal jeg sette mer fokus på de uferdige. Den første av disse er ferdig redigert og legges ut ila morgendagen, så skal de andre følge på.

      Jeg skal og se om jeg kan få på plass en form for registrering, der en kan få tilsendt e-post ved oppdateringer, få tilgang til filmer som ikke dels med alle mm.....