My journal

Information about new movies, updates and other stuff

Ongoing projects and coming movies

3 pending movies in the project list

"When will there be new videos" is a question I receive at a regular basis. I currently have 3 new movies on the block, with the newest filmed only a few days ago, one filmed in September, and one filmed in July. So why are they not already on-line?

The fun of making porn is the filming!

As you might have understood, I love to make porn and I am always ready for a hook up with someone who would like to participate in a movie. Off course, the funniest part of making porn is the filming it self, and some times I can film a movie or two in one week, while at other times there can be weeks between meeting someone who would like to participate.

Some times I might film a movie when I am away from home, and then I won't be able to edit and upload until I am back at my computer.

In the earliest movies, filming was done in a very simple matter. Usually one cell phone would be used as camera, and it would be held my me or the guy I hooked up with. The big disadvantage was when the guy did not manage to point the camera in correct direction, covered the lense with his fingers, did not manage to hold the camera steady, or hit the stop button during filming. However, having footage from only one source does not require much editing or preparations before a movie can be shared.

During one hook up I decided to test out filming from a different angel by having one camera mounted on a tripod. The guy I was shooting the move together with agreed to use my cell phone to film from his point of view and to get footage for closeups.

To day I mostly film with 3-4 cameras, usually 3 cellphones and a tablet, where normal setup is 2 cell phones on tripods, and one cell phone held by me or the other guy to film closeups. The tablet is used some times just to get a fourth angle, and filming usually takes from 20-50 minutes.

The editing process

As mentioned, I only edit movies when at home, but also when I am not occupied with other more important priorities. For editing I am using iMovie, while titles and other stuff that I use in the movies is made in Keynote.

The first step of the editing process is to transfer the raw material from the different sources to my computer. During this initial process, I also make make the primary decision about footage that I dont want to use in the movie. This would for example be if the camera lens has been covered during filming, or any other possible mishap.

When I began making movies using multiple cameras, I did not pay attention to make sure that I would not have the same sound or other notable changes from different sources in the final movie. An example is when you hear "fuck my ass" or a foot being moved the same way three times in a row. After the raw material has been transferred, I will analyse the material from each source to identify typical focal points like that.

The more sources used to film, the more time consuming the editing process becomes, and I spend some time making an initial plan where I won't to shift between angels. I also try to identify if there are sections where I should overlay the picture from an other source or show multiple angels in the same frame, and also if there are sections that could be nice slow motion.

When the basic editing is done, I will add subtitles, if there has been any conversation in Norwegian, and to add the content warning and titles. After a final prescreening, the movies is ready to be uploaded.

Pending movies per 16. October 2022

Grindr Hook ups 63

Filmed July 2022

Hooking up with BBC Odair

Filmed September 2022

Grindr Hookups 64

Filmed October 2022

Though already having 3 pending movies, I hope to hook up for making more movies even though the other movies have not ben completed. I will try to edit them as fast as I can, and hopefully upload the next one during the first coming days.

If you would like to participate in a movie, contact me. For the coming period filming will be in Bergen, Norway only. I will update my webpage with information if I should be on the move and able to shoot a movie at any other place.



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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Normale69 · 1 years ago
    We are looking forward theOdair video.
    I bet it is really exciting
    Hot bear hugs
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Kriyho Takshi · 2 years ago
    Grindr Hookups 64 Cant wait Hurry Up
    • This commment is unpublished.
      NorwegianBear · 1 years ago
      @Kriyho Takshi Grindr Hook ups 64 will be published tonight. Due to a lot of other stuff, it has been "somewhat" delayed. Next now, I will continue to edit the movie with Odair