My journal

Information about new movies, updates and other stuff

NorwegianBear´s Fans- & Friends club

Welcome to the members only pages

Would you like access to my movies before they are officially released and to materials for fans and friends only?


When I first began to plan and develop NorwegianBear´s cave, my plans were also to include something like a Fans- and Friends club. The reason was that I wanted to be able to post movies and pictures that would be available for registered users only, and to offer the users access to watch my new movies 7-14 days prior to their official release.

Other items I was, and am still planning/considering to add, include:

  • A contact form
  • A form where you can request private movies and tell me what you want me to do in the movie (Will be subject to payment)
  • Video chat (maybe)

I am also open for suggestions about other content that I could add for registered users.

The fanclub page is available when logged in

Now the first edition of the Fans- & Friends club is available. At the moment the only feature available is that registered users can watch the last posted movie(s) for a period before it is officially released. I have also posted one movie that is and will remain available for registered users only, and photos from my first photoshoot with a professional photographer.

These movies are currently only available after logging in. "Bears sucks Bear" will remain for registered users only

My first professional photoshoot

Some of the photos taken during the photoshoot

How do I get access to the fans- & friends club?

To access the fans- & friends club, you will first need to create user account. Click "Log in" to access the user login form.

The menu bar as it appears for users who are not logged in. Click "Log in" to access the user login form

Fill in your login information, and click the login button. If you haven't got an user account, click "Don't have an account?" and fill out the registration form.

Click "Don't have an account?" to create one

You can create your account by filling out the registration form. The password need to be of at least 8 characters. Please make sure that you enter correct e-mail address, as you need to activate the account by clicking the activation link you'll receive.

Fill in your details, and click "Register"
Your account is made, now you'll need to activate it

Check your e-mail, and look for the e-mail with the activation link sent from NorwegianBear´s cave (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), and click the activation link.

Your account is now activated, and you'll be able to log in to the fans- & friends club

After you have logged in, you will see the Fanclub on the main menu.


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