Ready for a new year as cum disposal
2024 is 17 days old, and has had a calm start with 8 loads taken - and material for one new movie filmed.....
Happy new year
I would like to start by wishing you a happy new year, and express my gratitude to all of you who follow me and who like the movies and other content I upload.
Thank you for the positive feedback and comments you send, it gives me the spirit to continue to make naughty movies and share them with you.
A summary of 2023
2023 got off to a slow start, mostly because I have had a lot to do in terms of work (My ordinary job, that is), and also as a result of spending 16 days of January in hospital. Before beginning to film new movies, I also wanted to complete the movies that I had filmed in 2022 and that was not ready for upload yet. The first movie of 2023 was not filmed until March 19, and was not ready for upload until late May.
I also used the first months to realise my plan about creating a separate section for registered members, namely "NorwegianBear´s Fans- & Friends club", where I upload material that is "NorwegianBear´s Fanclub exclusive". New movies are also initially published as "preview", available only for members who are logged in.
I did have some nice hookups in 2023, but as I only film hookups with guys who are confident with being filmed and who allows it, only 15 of my hookups have been filmed. Of these movies, 6 of them are "A NorwegianBear Fan´s- & Friendsclub exclusive"
"NorwegiansBears Fanclub exclusive - Forest cocksucker", filmed in May 2023.
I also uploaded a movie that I intended to discard, but by making it into something looking like a vintage movie, with music from a 70s porn gay porn movie, it worked well enough. I also used 3 previously filmed and unpublished gloryhole movies, and merged them into one movie as separate "scenes" together with one scene filmed in 2023.
"NorwegianBear´s Gloryhole adventures", with 4 scenes filmed in 2020, 2021 and 2023
In 2023, I had my first meeting with an artist who took a number of photographs that he will use for an art project. I must say that I enjoyed being naked in front of a photographer, and I would like to do this again. Thus, I also hope to make a movie where a photographer controls the camera rather than only using tripods.
Pictures by @Hans_joannes
Another exiting encounter in 2023 was to shoot a full movie outdoor in the garden, while my neighbours were present in their garden. During spring and summer there is wery little access to the garden due to trees and bushes. The hookup was also broadcasted live, using one of the garden CCTV/Weather cameras.
During filming of "Grindr Hookups 68", link to watch live was shared prior to filming.
I once again want to thank you who have followed me through 2023.
My New Year´s resolution for 2024
I have given up New Year's resolutions like "getting healthier", "to drink less", "exercise more" and other equals. When the question was asked during the 2023-2024 New Years Eve party, I stated that for 2024 there is only one New Year's resolution - and that is help more guys who are in need of emptying their balls and to be a good cumdump for them. And hopefully, some of them will allow me to film the hook up.
As mentioned in the introduction text, I have had a few hookups taking some cum during the first 17 days of the new year;
So far 5 loads have been swallowed, and 3 loads have been taken rectally. One of these hookup was also filmed, and marks the production start of 2024.
I have started to edit the new material, and hope to have it ready for upload during the next week. I will share some pictures with you in this article, and then when the movie is ready, hopefully you will enjoy it as much as I did. (Referring to his moaning, I think he enjoyed it too)
The editing of a new movie start with putting up alignment points to help identify where scenes from different cameras should be inserted.
I promise that I will do my best to keep this site updated with more gay adult content, and hope that 2024 will be a year with much cum and many new movies produces.
Other plans for 2024
Access to raw material
I have gotten some questions if I can share some of the unedited movies, and I think I might do so. My plan is to make a section in the "Fans- and Friendsclub" where raw material from the last filmed movies will be made available.
Live video chat
I often get request to do video chats, and I must admit that I am not too much into that.
However, I have made a NorwegianBear account on, where I might be going to do some live chats sessions. An other planned purpose if to let you watch live during a hookup with filming.
Request a special and private video
I sometimes get questions if I can make videos of my self showering, of my self going to the toilet, anking, walking naked around in the house - and so on. I consider to make a page where you can request a movie made for "your eyes only", where you tell me what you want me to do. Note, this service will not be for free and price will be agreed.
Other ideas.....
One other idea is to put up a "cumdump" calendar, updating it with loads taken - for those who like to keep track of how many loads I have got. In this calendar, I will also announce if I visit other countries and cities.
If you have other ideas and suggestions to content, please send me a message and I will look into it.
Would you like to make a movie with me?
I always look for guys who would like to make a movie with me, from as simple as suck you off while you hold the camera and film to more advanced movies with multi camera setup. Gloryhole blowjobs are also of interest.
In 2024 I also hope to get a chance to make a movie where two or more guys use my mouth and hopefully also my ass. Once thought is to suck guys who sit and watch porn and maybe drink a beer, and movies where I am getting my mouth and ass used at the same time.
Please note that I do not look for bottoms for my movies. In my movies there is only room for one bottom, and that is me!
If you would like to participate in a movie, send me an
And least, but not last - if you just want to use me for your cumdump, shooting a load in my mouth or ass - also feel free to send me a message and make a "reservation" :)
Once again, I wish you a
Happy New Year
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