My journal

Information about new movies, updates and other stuff

Happy new year - welcome 2025

156 cumloads received in 2024, and 40 hookups filmed

I hope the new year will bring more cumloads, and maybe you will be one of those who feed me yours

Happy New Year, let's dive into 2025 ready to serve horny men

Let me start by just wishing all who follow my work a Happy New Year. I hope 2024 has been a good year for you, and that 2025 will be even better.

I also want to say a big Thank you to all of you who give me positive feedback and comments to my movies, that is just what I need to get the right mood to make more content.

I also want to thank all of you who have given me your cum this year, either in. my mouth or shot deep into my ass.

A summary of 2024

2024 more or less started with a cumload in my mouth, swallowing loads from two different guys on the second day of the new year. On January 14th, I got to film the first hookup of 2024. In this movie, I received my 6th cumload of 2024, and it was taken in my ass.

In 2024 I have been entering every cumload that I have received in the NorwegianBear Calendar, that is available in fanclub section. For this year, 156 cumloads have been entered into the calendar. If you click on the different loads registered, you will find some more information about where and when the load was received.

Of the 156 loads, 103 have been swallowed while the remaining 53 have been taken in the ass.

I also use the calendar to announce when and where I am traveling, and when I am available for hookups.

In 2024, as part of the PREP medication, I have made regular visits to the STI clinic. The last visit was in November, where I was tested negative on STIs. I will make my regular visits also during the upcoming year.

So far 28 movies have been posted under the Movies section, and 7 movies have been posted in the Fan club section. I have got some movies that are not complete and uploaded yet.

Access to raw material

After request I have started to upload the raw unedited materials for the movies, these movies are uploaded to the Fanclub section of my site. At the moment, you can watch the unedited materials from Grindr Hookups 99 were the raw material from each camera is uploaded as separate movies.

I will continue to do this with other movies.

Download the movies

I have started to add a link so the movies can be downloaded and watched on a computer/device. Currently, this feature is available from Grindr Hokkups 91. I will add the feature to the movies before Ginrdr Hookups 91 during January/February 2025.

Live video chat

I have made a chatroom, but so far not been to active using it. For the future, the plan is to stream hookups where I am going to film live and also do some other live shows/chats.

I am currently only experimenting with it, and will post a notice when the live chat is fully operational.

Request a special and private video

I am still looking into putting up a page where you can request a video made only for you. Note that this will not be for free and price will be agreed based on what you want me to do in your video.

My New Year´s resolution for 2025

My only resolution for 2025 is to be a good cumdump, and offer my mouth and ass to more guys - both with and without having it filmed.

Would you like to make a movie with me, or just blow a cumload in my mouth or my ass?

I always look for guys who would like to make a movie with me, from as simple as suck you off while you hold the camera and film to more advanced movies with multi camera setup. Gloryhole blowjobs are also of interest.

In 2025 I hope to get a chance to make a movie where two or more guys use my mouth and hopefully also my ass. A plan is to host a "NorwegianBears Breeders Party"

Please note that I do not look for bottoms for my movies or for a breeders party. Here there is only room for one bottom, and that is me!


Once again, I wish you a
Happy New Year


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