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Oslo hookup

Are you as good cocksucker as it looks from your movies?

Filmed February 1, 2022

When I was going to visit Oslo, I placed an advert on a Norwegian webforum called "Nakenprat". I wrote that I would stay in Oslo at a hotel, and that I was open to receive guys who was in need of draining their balls, and shared some links to my movies.

One guy responded and told me that he would love to test my blowjob skills, and that I could film as he loved watching his cock getting wanked or sucked in movies.

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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Roland · 1 years ago
    Du er helt nydelig NorwegianBear. Elsker videoene dine. 🥰 Og du gjør meg så deilig kåt
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Norwegianbear · 1 years ago
      @Roland Tusen takk, Roland

      Om du skulle være i Bergen en dag og ha lyst på en blowjob eller å knulle meg, er det bare å si fra;)

      Beste hilsen
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Lasse · 2 years ago
    Fant deg på xhamster og så linken din hit. Kikker gjennom noen videoer og du gjør meg så kåt. Takk for herlige videoer og bilder
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Norwegianbear · 1 years ago
      @Lasse Lasse, beklager sent svar på meldingen din.
      Tusen takk, håper at jeg kan fortsette med å gjøre deg kåt:)

      Beste hilsen
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    mun69 · 2 years ago
    that was fucking hot. pulsating cocks in mouths - nothing gets better. you have some mad skills - wish I lived closer....
    • This commment is unpublished.
      NorwegianBear · 2 years ago
      @mun69 Thanks, was hot sucking him and drinking his cum. Hope to meet this guy again and make some more movies;)